
How to filter out spam referrals from Google Analytics

Spam referrals show us incorrect data and skews our Google Analytics reports, thereby preventing us from drawing solid conclusions about our website. Learn how to filter them out.

My top 10 takeaways from Brighton SEO

My top 10 takeaways from Brighton SEO

I had the pleasure of attending Brighton SEO. Here are my 10 takeaways from all the talks attended.

Google Analytics: a beginner’s guide

Our beginner's guide to Google Analytics. In this post we will go back to the basics and give you an overview of what Google Analytics is, what the different reports look like, and how you might want to use it to add value to your business.

Increase Campaign Reach With a Google Ads Grant for Nonprofits

How to apply for and make the most of the free monthly advertising spend from the Google Ads Grant for Nonprofits.

Why we filter out spam bots from Google Analytics data

We recently took on a client whose previous agency was very focused on using Google Analytics to drive development decisions. It was good to have a new client that understood the importance of measuring performance with quantitative data such as Google Analytics.

How to spot website traffic drops

Why does website traffic drop? How can you spot website traffic drops and react to them quickly? Our quick guide to Google Analytics Custom Alerts.

How to use Google Search Console for SEO - A Beginners Guide

Google Search Console is one of the most useful free SEO tools available. Here we share our top four tips for using GSC as a part of your SEO strategy.

Use Google Lighthouse to improve Google Rankings

Why you should improve your Google Lighthouse Score

How can you measure "quality" in a website using Google Lighthouse, and what are the tangible benefits for your business or organisation.

Why are title tags and meta descriptions important for SEO?

Title tags and meta descriptions are important because they’re typically the first encounter that a user has with your site when they perform a Google search. Having a compelling, well written meta title and description is informative for the user and can have a positive impact on the page’s click through rate (CTR).

How to configure Google Search Console data in Google Analytics

Configuring Google Search Console data in Google Analytics is quick and easy. Follow our step-by-step guide.

Website localisation strategy

What are the advantages of localising a website and what are the biggest pitfalls?

How to exclude internal traffic from Google Analytics using an IP address filter

For many organisations, the company website is used by staff on a daily basis as a go-to resource – which may well be exactly as you'd hoped – however, when it’s also the main marketing tool and a key measure of engagement with your desired audience, it becomes necessary to separate this internal traffic from visitor analytics so that the visitor data is not skewed. 

International Search: Optimising your website for Baidu

When I say name a ‘search engine’ what comes to mind? Google? Bing? Yahoo? Now why this might be the top three for a large percentage of countries in the world, this is not the case for many others. Take China for example, their number one search engine is Baidu with approximately 61.6% of the market - ever heard of it?

TYPO3 & Search Engine Optimisation

TYPO3 & Search Engine Optimisation

The sites we build in our preferred CMS, TYPO3, are always optimised with search engine optimisation (SEO) in mind. Since the launch of Google Lighthouse we take great pleasure in seeing our sites get that 100% score - giving us a nice warm feeling, knowing that Google rates our sites in such a way.

What does Google look for in my article: Text & Images

In the second post of the series we will be looking at what Google looks for in the body of your article and quick wins you can do to optimise your text and images.

How can I verify my Google Event Tracking is working?

Validating your Google Event tracking is working can be a tricky business. This blog post walks you through checking the data being sent to Google Analytics, so you can verify the information is correct.

How can I score 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights?

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a tool developed by Google to rank the speed of your website. There are a few things it doesn’t look out for, such as code validation or usability but it’s a good starting point at getting your site up...

What does Google look for in my article: Headlines & Titles

This is the first post in a series which will be looking at exactly what Google looks for in your article and focusing on how you can utilise these things to include your keywords and engage your readers.

Why an increase in bounce rate in GA might not be something to worry about

Why an increase in bounce rate in GA might not be something to worry about

Following a website redesign, a client noticed a worrying increase in the bounce rate, however this might not be a bad thing!