User Experience
Web accessibility guide for editors
Although web agencies should do everything possible to keep web designs accessible, the torch will inevitably be passed onto web editors to maintain this once a website is handed over. We compiled a guide for editors to refer to which will help keep in line with accessibility guidelines.
Discovering your audience: tools and techniques
Understanding your audience is a strategic cornerstone for building successful online products. A crucial part of our discovery phase here at Liquid Light is understanding who will be using the products we build and how they...
My 5 takeaways from UX London
The UX conversation is shifting to focus more on sustainable design.
Creating accessible websites: a primer for website developers
At Liquid Light we pride ourselves on building accessible and inclusive websites, and have built websites and platforms with a focus on accessibility for the likes of the disability charity Leonard Cheshire and The Washington Group on Disability Statistics.
Moving conference programmes into the digital space
ADR UK came to us to create a print design for a conference booklet, but we saw an opportunity to create a mini-site that offers a seamless experience for both the organisers and their attendees.
Web accessibility and forms
Forms are an important part of any web application, here's a brief view on how to make sure your forms are accessible for everyone.
Don’t make me think - A bible on usability by Steve Krug
There is one book that everyone who is interested in usability should read, and that is “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug.
Why should you consider Cloudflare for your website?
Cloudflare is a service which, among other things, provides a CDN (Content Delivery Network), firewall, and performance layer for your website. It has plenty of paid upgrades and features and is a developer’s dream, but what advantage does it have for you to put your website “behind” Cloudflare and how does it work?
How we deliver consistent wireframes across a growing design team
As a small design team, we have previously never felt the need to create a framework for our wireframing process. Instead, we have opted to create bespoke wireframes per project, allowing designers total freedom to explore the wireframing approach based specifically on the needs of an individual projects brief.
Complexity in our complex world: how designers can tame complexity
Elegance and ease of use are often down to simplicity, not just in terms of design and aesthetics, but also features and functions. If a product only has a few features it’s usually easier to understand and operate ...