
300 results:

15 reasons to choose TYPO3 CMS

15 reasons to choose TYPO3 CMS Why 15 years of experience using TYPO3 has convinced us it is the CMS of choice for both agencies & clients. TYPO3 CMS is from our experience one of the best content…

Why you should improve your Google Lighthouse Score

Why you should improve your Google Lighthouse Score

Why you should improve your Google Lighthouse Score How can you measure "quality" in a website using Google Lighthouse, and what are the tangible benefits for your business or organisation.

Why choose TYPO3 CMS for your website

Why choose TYPO3 CMS for your website Time and time again we have found TYPO3 to strike a great balance between functionality and usability whilst also being highly customisable, scalable and cost…

What is a server?

What is a server? Servers power the internet and have done since the creation of it. All the websites in the world run on servers (with varying levels of web interfaces & logins). So what are they,…

@use and @import rules in SCSS

@use and @import rules in SCSS Bring your project's front-end code up to date and replace the @import rule with @use in your SCSS partials for more control and clarity. Intro - what is SCSS? SCSS is…

Git tip: squash intermediate commits

Git tip: squash intermediate commits Make the git history neater with `git rebase --interactive`

Why are title tags and meta descriptions important for SEO?

Why are title tags and meta descriptions important for SEO? Title tags and meta descriptions are important because they’re typically the first encounter that a user has with your site when they…

How to configure Google Search Console data in Google Analytics

How to configure Google Search Console data in Google Analytics Configuring Google Search Console data in Google Analytics is quick and easy. Follow our step-by-step guide. There are many things that…

Don’t make me think - A bible on usability by Steve Krug

Don’t make me think - A bible on usability by Steve Krug There is one book that everyone who is interested in usability should read, and that is “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug.

What is it like joining a team as a junior developer during lockdown?

What is it like joining a team as a junior developer during lockdown? Our junior front-end developer started in March, 3 days before the country went into lockdown because of COVID-19. Minna shares…