Animated progress circle SVGs in small doses, combined with CSS and JS animation, are great for adding extra interest on your site. Here's a simple svg animation for a progress circle. SVGs in small…
How to spot website traffic drops Why does website traffic drop? How can you spot website traffic drops and react to them quickly? Our quick guide to Google Analytics Custom Alerts. If you manage a…
How to use Google Search Console for SEO - A Beginners Guide Google Search Console is one of the most useful free SEO tools available. Here we share our top four tips for using GSC as a part of your…
Using the TYPO3 redirects module to ensure your visitors don't end up at a dead-end With version 9, TYPO3 introduced a native redirects module - not only does it give you a place to centrally manage…
Web accessibility and forms Forms are an important part of any web application, here's a brief view on how to make sure your forms are accessible for everyone. Forms are an important part of any web…
7 reasons to replace Wordpress & find a more powerful alternative Whilst WordPress is the worlds most popular CMS, there are some very good reasons for finding an alternative to Wordpress. As the…
15 reasons to choose TYPO3 CMS Why 15 years of experience using TYPO3 has convinced us it is the CMS of choice for both agencies & clients. TYPO3 CMS is from our experience one of the best content…
Why you should improve your Google Lighthouse Score How can you measure "quality" in a website using Google Lighthouse, and what are the tangible benefits for your business or organisation.
Why choose TYPO3 CMS for your website Time and time again we have found TYPO3 to strike a great balance between functionality and usability whilst also being highly customisable, scalable and cost…
What is a server? Servers power the internet and have done since the creation of it. All the websites in the world run on servers (with varying levels of web interfaces & logins). So what are they,…