Animated progress circle
SVGs in small doses, combined with CSS and JS animation, are great for adding extra interest on your site. Here's a simple svg animation for a progress circle. For this example I've used an input box so that you can have a play with the animation.
See the Pen Animated progress circle by Liquid Light (@liquidlight) on CodePen.
<script async src=""></script>1. Create your svg with vector design software or find a suitable one online
In the final animation the gray circle is directly underneath to indicate the shape and the top gradient circle is animated. Include both circles in the same <svg> with identical coordinates to layer them.
- Layer one circle
for background, and another#bar
for the animated progress bar on top of it stroke-dasharray
is the length of the circumference of the circlestroke-dashoffset
is used to control the location of a point on the path and this value will be animated later with JS
<svg class="svg" height="220" viewPort="0 0 110 110" version="1.1" xmlns="[<>](<>)">
<circle id="bar-bg" r="98" cx="110" cy="110" fill="transparent" stroke-dasharray="615.752" stroke-dashoffset="615.752"></circle>
<circle id="bar" r="98" cx="110" cy="110" fill="transparent" stroke-dasharray="615.752" stroke-dashoffset="615.752"></circle>
2. Set stroke-dashoffset
in CSS
- Set some styles and css animation transition on the circle elements and set background
to 0 to cover the whole circle - Add a gradient colour to the stroke of your top bar by defining the colours inside the svg and calling it in the CSS
- I want the animation to start from the top of the circle so I've rotated the whole svg by 90 degrees.
<linearGradient id="linear" x1="0" x2="1" y1="0" y2="0">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="#DD2C41"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="#202050"/>
.svg {
transform: rotate(-90deg);
margin: auto;
circle {
transition: stroke-dashoffset 1s linear;
stroke-width: 1.5em;
stroke: var(--neutralLight);
#bar-bg {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
#bar {
stroke: url('#linear');
3. Create the functionality
- For this example I've added an input field in the markup to set a value for the progress and limited the value between 0 and 100.
- For added usability we also want to display the value as a number in the middle of the circle
- You will need to convert the input % figure to a pixel value for the circle with the equations shown below and set the CSS property for
with your Javascript. You have already set your transition on the circle in the CSS file, which defines the animation when the value changes.
var circle = $('.svg #bar'),
r = circle.attr('r'),
c = Math.PI * r * 2,
pct = ((100 - value) / 100) * c; // Calculate the precentage of the svg dasharray length
// Set progress stroke length in css
circle.css({strokeDashoffset: pct});
4. Last thing to do is to display the percentage value in the middle of the circle (replace default 0% set in the html file)
$('.percentage').html(value + '%');
To understand more how line animations with svg's are constructed have a look at this article.