New Operations Evaluation website launches for the African Development Bank
We are delighted to announce the launch of the new Operations Evaluation (OPEV) department website of the African Development Bank (AfDB).
The Operations Evaluation department is tasked with overseeing the operations of the bank's other departments in order to enhance and improve the effectiveness and the bank's operations overall. Previously, OPEV had a microsite located within the main AfDB website.
The objective of this project was to deliver a new website for OPEV, in order to help raise its own profile within the AfDB's existing TYPO3 content management framework and to help further deliver its own objectives.
Key challenges of this project were:
- To deliver a new independent website which integrated essential legacy content from their old microsite.
- To create a new brand identity for the OPEV website distinct from the main AfDB website but within the corporate brand guidelines.
- To empower the OPEV editorial team to produce unique content, as well as having the ability to share content easily from the AfDB website.
- Enhanced responsive/mobile design features enabling the site to be more widely accessible over a range of devices (mobiles, tablets, desktop pc's, etc).
- To develop new features and sections not previously present on the former microsite such as an events calendar, a blog, and a team profile section.
- To deliver the website on a very short timeline in time for a promotional event on the 3rd December.
You can checkout the new OPEV website now live at
You can see our work with other NGO's over the years here.